Parish Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9am-4pm
Baptism stands as the cornerstone of the Christian faith, marking the entry point into a life centered on Christ. Through the rite of immersion or pouring water in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, individuals undergo a profound spiritual transformation. They are reborn, shedding their old selves and emerging as new creations in God's image. This sacramental grace welcomes them into the embrace of the divine family, establishing an intimate relationship with the Trinity.
As baptized believers, we are elevated to a unique status: we become a chosen people, set apart for God's special purposes. We are also entrusted with a royal priesthood, empowered to offer spiritual sacrifices and intercede on behalf of others. Moreover, we are incorporated into the mystical body of Christ, the Church, forming a living communion of faith and love.
Baptism is a profound cleansing ritual that washes away the stain of original sin, the inherited human tendency toward evil that stems from Adam and Eve's disobedience. It also eradicates all personal sins committed before the sacrament. Through this spiritual rebirth, we are granted a new beginning, infused with the life-giving grace of Christ. Just as a newborn infant emerges from the womb into a new world, so too are we born anew in Baptism, emerging from the baptismal waters into a life of faith and communion with God. This transformative experience unites us with the divine, restoring the broken relationship between humanity and God that was severed in the Garden of Eden. We are clothed in the righteousness of Christ, replacing the spiritual nakedness caused by sin with the radiant beauty of God's love.
Building upon the spiritual foundation laid by Baptism, Chrismation empowers believers to embark on a deeper, more purposeful Christian journey. This sacred rite infuses individuals with the strength and courage needed to live as devoted followers of Christ. By anointing them with Chrism, a consecrated oil rich in symbolism, the Church designates them as holy vessels, prepared to receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Historically used to anoint prophets, kings, and priests, Chrism signifies a sacred calling. Through Chrismation, we are called to offer worship and serve God.
Just as athletes prepare their bodies with oil for peak performance, and the sick are anointed for healing, so too are Christians fortified through Chrismation for the spiritual challenges that lie ahead. This ancient practice, rooted in biblical tradition, transforms ordinary believers into extraordinary witnesses of God's love and grace in the world.
Contact the priest as soon as the baby is born. Instruction classes are offered for new parents and sponsors.
To request a baptism, please download the registration form.
Requirements for Sponsors At Baptism
The Law requires at least ONE sponsor for baptism and provides criteria for being a good sponsor.
He or she must be a practicing Catholic – this may be attested to by a certificate from the sponsor’s proper parish pastor;​
He or she must have been fully initiated into the Church (have received all three initiation Mysteries);​
Must be living a good, Catholic life;
Be free of Excommunication;
Not be mother, father, or spouse [of the candidate], and be at least 18 years old.
In general, the sponsor should be the kind of person who will support the parents in the duty of giving the child(ren) a Christian education and be a good example of Catholic life.
It is the policy of the Maronite Church to administer the Mystery of Confirmation at the time of Baptism.
Parents of children who have received both Mysteries (Baptism and Confirmation) should also make the staff of a Latin parish whose school the children may attend aware that these Mysteries have been received, for neither Baptism nor Chrismation may be repeated.